
Friday, September 14, 2012

Term store migration to another farm

Your task is to migrate a content db to another farm. For this you can refer to the post How restore a SharePoint 2010 content database on the different farm

But in case you have managed metadata column somewhere in your web application, you will soon discover that they lost related term set which is expected.

The term store is not stored in the content database. It's a responsibility of the Managed Metadata Service.

You question - how can I migrate term store from one farm to another?

Here is what I found useful to read and use:

Migrating managed metadata term sets to another farm on another domain - the article clearly explains what happens with metadata value in the columns when you restore content db on the another farm. Essentially, you will not loose metadata value in the lists, but you can't use it further until you migrate related term store.

Article also provides a means to migrate your term set and how do you reconnect the term store to the content via PowerShell -

Here is my 2 cents in it:

Instead of using for UI export\import of term store, you can use a PowerShell from Laponte - a PowerShell SharePoint guru - Exporting and Importing SharePoint 2010 Terms. The navigation on his blog  is a little bit confusing - the extended powershell comands are bundled in one Lapointe.SharePoint2010.Automation.wsp on

In case you want to know how to use PowerShell in SharePoint -Simple concept: How to use SharePoint cmdlets in PowerShell ISE

If you have reused terms in the termset, make sure the order in the export file the following:
Parent, then Child
In this example, the term set Customers reuse terms from the first level of the term set Projects. In the initial file that I have exported, the customer set goes first before the project.
If I try to export this file via Import-SPTerms , I will get an error.
I need to change the order of the terms beforehand and them import the file.


For SPOnline migration I believe you have only one option is to export via csv . I wonder what about exporting reused terms. I can't see the int csv file to specify it....

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